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Hey. Sorry I have taken so long to update this (again). This is going to be quite a short, half-assed update; but I wanted to put something up on here.

For starters I wanted to apologise for being so crap at keeping in contact with you all. Basically the only time I spend in my flat I am either asleep, getting ready for work or just hungover and not in the mood for chatting on msn. The rest of the time I am out living it up like a king - which is excellent, but it makes keeping in contact with you all more difficult. Still, rest assured that I certainly haven't forgotten any of you and I hope you're all doing well. I often inform my friends here of many of the excellent stories from home in which you have all featured - which probably bored people to death as they haven't met any of you, but that is no concern of mine. Speaking of which - you all need to get yourselves out here. Life here is so much better and more fun than in England and it seems such a shame that you are all missing out, so you really need to get yourselves over here.

Anyway, time for some more bullet point updates - although I can't really think of much.

1) Sweat, sweat, sweat: One thing that sucks big style here is the strange affinity Japanese people have for unreasonably high temperatures. Now that the weather has become nice and mild (mid-November and it had only dropped to 'mild') all the shops and trains have decided that we need the heating on. Not only that, but the average heating temperature is 28 degrees. So basically I can walk about enjoying not sweating for once and then the second I get on a train, it's back to being baking hot. It is utterly lame.

2) Girls: They continue to be fantastic. There are quite a few that I like, which is nice. Things are going quite well with a few of them as well. Many of them will all be at the same party on Sunday, so that should be interesting. It may well all blow up in my face, but I am sure it'll be amusing.

3) Drinking: I am still spending loads of money and getting wasted all the time. It is fantastic. I am learning all the good tricks for getting wasted more cheaply and yet am still spending all my hard earned pennies. Still, I don't mind. This sunday there is going to be a big halloween party at my friend's house just down the road. I am trying to decide on a costume. There will be many beautiful women there in ace costumes which will be nice.

4) Sight seeing: I have done bugger all. I will do some again at some point and get you all some pictures.

5) Teaching: Getting easier all the time - I love this job. Two of the teachers at my branch are leaving in a month or 2 though which sucks as I get on well with them and also it will mean that I will get a shit load more kids classes which will be utterly poor. Still, I just let my kids run wild now as I really don't care if they learn anything or not. Hell, I don't care if they catch fire - as long as they don't bother me and I am still being paid for it.

6) BOOM! I can't think of anything else now as I am a little wasted and want to go to sleep. Adios :)

8 Responses to “Bonjour”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    God, I hate you so much, stop having so much fun :( Barstard!

    Keep up the good work and we must chat in "real-time" again soon!

  2. Blogger Ramaldo 


    Loving the posts back to full flow, I've updated mine now...

    btw. When are we going to hear something from the time squirrel... its been too long!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ayupc, just updated myself on your well being. sounds likes your enjoying life in japan, awesome.

    happy birthday in advance for the coming week.

    ps, i love japanese girls but only the hot ones. hmmmmmmm lovely indeed.

    take care, speak soon.

  4. Blogger Ramaldo 

    New post please! :)

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    rami is right lamf - new post pls.

  6. Blogger Ramaldo 

    What the hell does lamf mean?!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous

    I think it's pretty fitting.

    Andy; I'm listening to 'Editors' in the office and thought of you. I'll loop the 1st track and then I WILL BE YOU.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 


    i still love japanese girls, lovely there are.

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  • I'm Andrew
  • From Lincoln, United Kingdom
  • I graduated from the University of Hull, where I studied Economics. I decided to go to Japan for a year to teach English and this blog is to chronicle my adventures.
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