The Tales of Fortune Phone #1
Published Monday, August 28, 2006 by Lightning Jack | E-mail this post 
Pardon the pun, but Fortune Phone works like a charm. I can't be bothered to go into details but it seems Dawn was right about it's wonderous abilities; ably demonstrated as they were with the assistance of a distinctly lovely barmaid in some club I was in last night.
I will be putting it to the test much more often in future.
You sly dog you. arf.
awesome stuff - u shall have to actually get on msn one day eh eh
Heh yeah I am gonna take some time next week to do some proper posts and talk to you lot on msn. Want a break from going out after the disaster of the last two days, which I shall explain in due course. Am seeing my brother this weekend though which will be cool.
I didn't bother calling the barmaid in the end as I couldn't be bothered with the strain of trying to arrange to meet up. I wish her English had been better as she was absolutely fantastic. C'est la vie.
lol. Classic Marquick.
Toms right. We should all skype oh, and spam my new blog :)